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Property-related taxes in Japan

Property-related taxes in Japan are classified into three categories according to timing.

Property-related taxes in Japan

1. Taxes related to acquisition

Stamp Duty

Payment timing: At signing sales & purchase agreement

Taxable subject

Sales & purchase agreement


0 - JPY 480,000 depending on Purchase Price

Registration tax

Payment timing: At payment of 100% of purchase price

Taxable subject - Land

(Taxation value)*x1.5%

Taxable subject - Building

​(Taxation value)*x2.0%

Real estate acquisition tax

Payment timing: Approx. 6-12 months after the acquisition

Taxable subject - Housing land

​(Taxation value)*x1.5%

Taxable subject - Residential building

​(Taxation value)*x3.0%

* Taxation value is not a purchase price but a value assigned by the authorities for tax calculation purposes.


2. Taxes related to holding

Fixed asset tax

Payment timing: Pay annually or quarterly

Taxable Subject - Land/Building

(Taxation value)*1x1.4%

City planning tax

Payment timing: Pay annually or quarterly

Taxable Subject - Land/Building

​(Taxation value)*x0.3%

Income tax

Payment timing: At annual tax return

Rent income

​(Taxable income)x(5%-45%)**-(Tax deduction)**

* Taxation value is not a purchase price but a value assigned by the authorities for tax calculation purposes.

** Tax rate and tax deduction for income tax are dependent on the taxable income as follows.

Taxable income

Tax rate

Tax deduction

0 - JPY1,950,000



JPY1,950,000 - 3,300,000



JPY3,300,000 - 6,950,000



JPY6,950,000 - 9,000,000



JPY9 million -18 million



​JPY18 million - 40 million



JPY40 million over



3. Taxes related to disposition

Capital gains tax

Payment timing: At annual tax return

Taxable subject - Capital gains

​(Capital gain - expenses)x(15.315% or 30.63%)***

*** Capital gains tax for non-resident sellers.

15.315% for disposition after long term (more than 5 years) holding.

30.63% for disposition after short term (less than 5 years) holding.


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